

Discussion on Teaching Mode of Quantum Mechanics Course





Discussion on Teaching Mode of Quantum Mechanics Course

Quantum mechanics is not only widely used in the future scientific research of physics students, but also an important foundation for future innovation of students in engineering sciences. At the same time, "quantum mechanics" is also the most difficult to understand course. In order to enable students to correctly and profoundly understand quantum mechanics and lay the foundation for future application research, Tsinghua University put forward new teaching modes: large class + small class discussion + special subject study. This teaching mode has been implemented for 10 years at Tsinghua University Department of Physics and other engineering sciences and received good results.

In the training course of teaching methods, teaching experience and curriculum construction experience sharing held by the National Network of Teacher Training Center of Universities, Professor Zhuang Pengfei of Tsinghua University and Professor Jia Ya of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, "Quantum Mechanics" Class + small class discussion + special study "the characteristics of the teaching model, the implementation of the key points at all levels, how to use the Internet for teaching and discussion, as well as for different professional students teaching characteristics were discussed. Here are some of the feelings and benefits of training teachers.

North University "zzx":

On the basis of the teaching experience of "Quantum Mechanics" in recent years, I deeply felt the advanced teaching concepts mentioned by Professor Zhuang Pengfei and Professor Jia Ya. The teaching mode and curriculum system are very important for students to embody the students as the main body, The necessity of improving the quality of teaching; when I was still puzzled by many problems in the teaching of quantum mechanics, the two teachers had begun effective reform and exploration already, And inspired.

Advanced teaching concept: In the first class, teacher Chong told students on the height of a scientist that there is almost no physical science research without quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics can give you the ability to innovate at source, and quantum mechanics represents an advanced culture And advanced productivity; quantum mechanics may change your way of thinking. This is very important for stimulating students' interest and improving their learning initiative. Quantum mechanics was established and developed in the debate. Jia introduced his students' interests by introducing the confusion, thinking and debate of scientists in the process of establishing the theoretical system of quantum mechanics, and at the same time, let students understand the science spirit of their predecessors and learn from them. Both teachers emphasized the attraction of students through the charm of quantum mechanics rather than forcing them to learn. Only students more proactive thinking of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics to learn the methods and master the skills of quantum mechanics in order to really learn quantum mechanics wine class.

Advanced teaching mode: The teaching mode of "big class teaching + small class discussion + special study" used by teacher Zhuang is as follows: the first semester is taught by the professor in the big class to introduce the most basic concepts and principles of quantum mechanics (accounting for three-quarter hours); Students will be led by the assistant to discuss the concepts and principles taught by the professors (one-quarter of the class hours). In the second semester, students will conduct a special study on the basis of quantum mechanics (electives). Under the premise of not aggravating the burden of students, not only emphasize the basic knowledge of quantum mechanics in large class teaching, pay attention to the modern progress of quantum mechanics, but also strengthen the interaction between teachers and students so that students in the small class discussion on the basic concepts and principles of quantum mechanics With the correct understanding, but also in the special subject also enables students to have a more profound understanding of quantum mechanics, but also learned the method of scientific research. The teaching mode of "teacher teaching + homework discussion + course paper" adopted by teacher Jia is aimed at different levels of students. There is a great similarity between the two modes. Advanced teaching mode embodies the advanced teaching concept, but must take the advanced curriculum system as the premise bull bear.

Advanced Curriculum System: Teacher Jia integrates the four mechanics of theoretical physics to strengthen the connection between the four mechanics so that students can understand and master the theoretical physics systematically while reducing unnecessary repetition among the courses , Have more time to organize student discussion without increasing the total class time. Zhuang teacher did not integrate the four mechanics courses, but also paid sufficient attention to the connection between the courses. Based on the students' studying quantum physics, the quantum mechanics classes started directly from the Schrödinger equation and there will be more class hours for discussion.

Through the training, the two teachers have been excited about me, their advanced teaching ideas and models so that I am very much inspired.

One of the revelations: teaching must reflect the dominant position of students. As far as possible to stimulate students' interest in learning, to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students to learn, to use quantum mechanics to attract students their own charm, which requires our teachers have a wide range of applications of quantum mechanics, but also have their own research areas, Zhuang teacher said: Only used, can be safely introduced to the students.

Revelation two: how to implement the advanced education concept. The discussion-based teaching and special studies proposed by the two professors are effective methods. Occasionally spontaneous discussions among students I teach. Students in the break between classes or individual students and I will discuss some of the problems in quantum mechanics, such as statistical interpretation of wave function is the probability theory or determinism, whether the stationary wave and other issues. I have found that some students are very good at thinking, and the questions raised are very interesting. For example, some students give the steady-state probability flow continuity equation in the form of the steady-state wave function given in Chapter 2, Chapter 2 of Zhou Shixun's textbooks. If the space contains the origin of the polar coordinate system, then the odds flow continuity equation does not hold. The solution to this problem aroused heated debate among the students. Now, what all our teachers need to do is to organize the students to discuss in a planned way. We can not do the same with Tsinghua University in terms of thematic studies, but we can follow the model of "learning by topic + submitting study reports".

Revelation three: reform curriculum system without delay. Even if the four mechanics can not be integrated into the theoretical and physical basis, it is necessary to strengthen the linkages among the teachers in all subjects and to coordinate and solve the relationships among the disciplines in the collective discussion of the specialized courses group of the physics department so as to avoid repetition and superficiality. For example, some of the content in the "General Physics", "Modern Physics" middle school, "Atomic Physics" middle school, to the "quantum mechanics" class also need to learn. How to improve the quality of teaching without increasing the student burden, Zhuang teacher and Jia teacher their practice has given us a lot of inspiration,In addition to this, the pioneering lunar mapping techniques developed by the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics has been deployed in the topographical analysis and landing site selection of Chang. This is a huge milestone in the history of hk research studies in related to national projects.




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